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Learning First Charter Public School
Newsletter March 25, 2022

Dear Families, 
            MCAS student agreement notices went home with grade 3-5 students on Thursday afternoon. They require both a parent and student signature after the content is reviewed with your child/ren. Please send them back to school with your child after they are signed. They should turn them into their homeroom teacher. Students in grades 6-8, will review their agreements in class and sign them with their homeroom teachers. Theirs do not require a parent signature. Please contact Kim Wright if you have any questions. 


Kimberly Wright

Title One Coordinator/ Special Projectors Coordinator

Calendar FundraiserOur school wide fundraiser will be sent home next Thursday, March 30th. The money will be going to our annual Field Day. Due to COVID-19, we have not had a Field Day since 2019. With this being our last year at our Gage Street address and new beginnings happening in the start of the 2022-2023 school year, we like to make this event as special as possible.

Please help us make this a great day for our students by selling, selling, selling.  If you have any questions please contact Robin Roy at

School Calendar Update for 2021-2022 School Year: Due to the numbers of snow days we had this school year; our last day of school is now June 21, 2022. It will be a half of day. Dismissal will be at 12:30 PM. There will be no school the day before, June 20th, in observance of Juneteeth.

Mask Mandate: On March 7, 2022, the mask mandate for all students and staff was lifted and is no longer a requirement. Student and staff that feel more comfortable wearing a mask may do so but the school is unable to provide them with one. Please be sure to send your child with a mask if they choose to wear one.

Rainbow Child Development will provide after school services for Learning First Charter Public School starting the 2022-2023 school year. Please fill out this survey if you are interested in having your child(ren) participate in this program during the 2022-2023 school year: A flyer with more information went home last week.

Reminders from the School Nurse: This week we had no cases of Covid-19 in our school.  If your student was a close contact then you were notified by the school nurse. It is not required for your child to receive a Covid-19 vaccine, however if your child has had it and you are willing to let us know it would be appreciated and helpful in cases when we need to do contact tracing.

Stay healthy! ~Nurse Sarah and Sammy

8th grade families: This is a reminder that all high school applications should be complete. Tech and Worcester Public Career Pathways are the latest deadlines (April 1st). If you and your child have not completed applications at this point you will be enrolling your child in your district public school in June for the fall. Please feel free to reach out to Lisa Moore if you have any questions. 

All students who have applied to Tech and the pathways should have a “verified” status at this point for the April 13th lottery (all records have been submitted). In order to progress further they have to have passing ELA and Math grades for Trimester 2. 

Calling All Business OwnersWe’d like to acknowledge and show appreciation to all of our families who have and run their own business; Examples: restaurants, catering businesses, labor/construction, entertainment, health/wellness, etc. So, if you are a parent, guardian, or caregiver of a student here at Learning First and are a business owner please add it to our directory list: CLICK HERE! 

Extracurricular Activities:  STOMP practice will be held on Fridays from 12:30-3:30pm. Assumption College Stomp and Dance Competition will be held on April 9th. More information to follow in the upcoming weeks.

Community Connections: The Worcester Public Library, located at 3 Salem Square, has a new children’s room! The new PappasChildren’s Center is located on the third floor of the library. It is a bright and beautiful area for families to enjoy reading and meeting new friends. The library hours are Sunday 12-4; Monday 9-5:30; Tuesday 9-8:30; Wednesday 9-8:30; Thursday 9-5:30; Friday 9-5:30; Saturday 9-5:30. Parking is $2.00 per hour and the library has an easy pay station at the entrance or you can use the pay kiosk outside.

Reminder: School Hours for the 2022-2023 school year will change to 7:30 AM- 2:30 PM Monday through Friday.

Mar. 31: LFCPS School-wide Fundraiser

Apr. 4-5: Grades 3-8 ELA MCAS Testing

Apr. 6-7: MCAS Make-Ups

Apr. 9: Stomp Competition at Assumption College

Apr. 15: No School

Apr. 18-22: No School

May 2-3: Grades 3-8 Math MCAS Testing

May 4-5: MCAS Make-Ups

May 16-17: Grades 5 & 8 STE MCAS Testing

May 17-18: MCAS Make-Ups

June 20: No School

June 21: Last Day of School (Dismissal 12:30 PM)