Learning First Charter Public School
Newsletter June 12, 2020
June 12: Grade 8 Drive-Up 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM; SEMSAPAC Zoom Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM; Seven Hills Virtual Art Exhibit Submissions Due
June 16: Last Day of School; SLC’s to be Mailed Home
July 1: School Name Changes to Learning First Charter Public School
July 27: Deadline for Online Transportation Registration
August 31: First Day of School
Wisdom Justice Courage Compassion Hope Respect Responsibility Integrity
Be kind. Be safe. Be responsible.
The on-line bus transportation website has now been updated for the 2020-2021 school year. You must register each child by July 27, 2020 to ensure a bus stop for the first day of school.
Worcester Public Schools Transportation Department provides bus transportation for Seven Hills Charter Public School. Families must complete an on-line application for each child. To ensure your child has a bus stop for the 2020-2021 school year. Transportation will begin on the first day of school for students that applications are completed by July 27, 2020.
Please use the following username and password to access the website.
- Login to TransApp.worcesterschools.org (do not use www.).
- Username: shc01605
- Password: C9EECFA3466A
- You will need to complete this process for each SHCPS student in your household.
- If you have any questions, or need assistance, please contact Seven Hills at (508) 799-7500 and press “8” for the main office.
SLC update: We are sending Your child’s T2 SLC out with their T3 SLC next week.
Your child will be receiving an SLC for T3 based on the Department of Education guidelines for grading while participating in remote learning. They will receive a grade for each core subject (ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies as well as an overall Special Area) below you will see the breakdown of scoring:
Credit (C)– Your child participated in most aspects of remote learning.
Partial Credit (PC)– Your child participated in some aspects of remote learning.
No Credit (NC)- Your child did not participate in any aspects of remote learning.
SEMSAPAC: -Quarantine has introduced many changes to our and our children’s lives. Parents are now expected to oversee their children in academics, chores, meals, and playtime. You are managing your children’s behavior all day long. At the same time, many parents have to maintain a productive work day at home.
So, how do you balance it all? Now more than ever, families need support to help themselves and their children to weather the current COVID-19 storm.
Although social distancing is imperative for contending with this global pandemic, parents everywhere are craving connection and resources. Come and connect with staff and other families tonight, June 12th, from 6:00 -7:00 pm Via ZOOM to share ideas and resources and let’s weather this COVID-19 storm together. Please use this link to connect: https://zoom.us/j/93935270732?pwd=RU9CcGhXN3JOWHFGTVdabjRuUW1QQT09
8th grade families: It is graduation day! Your 8th graders are officially freshman in high school!!
I hope that you have been getting previous emails, dojos and newsletters and that you have heard from any schools that you have applied to at this point. If you have not, you should be reaching out or enrolling in WPS.
If you are on the Tech waiting list, (I know many students are, unfortunately, they have only accepted about 16 of our students out of 65) and you enroll in WPS your child may apply for the career pathways program through their school and/or Tech during their freshman year. They just have to advocate for themselves and apply. There are a couple options available for these pathways and I cannot stress enough that your child will have to advocate for themselves and go after this opportunity! They can see their freshman guidance counselor and request applications and information. .
This is the enrollment link for WPS. Please do not wait too long before starting this process, as we have to scan and email all of your child’s files this year, instead of hand delivering them as the buildings are not staffed.
You will also need their most current SLC and immunizations to be able to complete the enrollment forms.
I do have copies, if you need them so please let me know if you need this paperwork to complete the enrollment.
To prepare for opening in the fall, buildings will be undergoing strict Covid-19 guidelines and staff access will be restricted. Please inform us as soon as possible so all of the files can be transferred by the end of this school year.
Thank you! Lisa More
School Name Change: As of July 1st, 2020, the Seven Hills Charter Public School will now be called the Learning First Charter Public School. Our name change request was approved by the state and we are in the process of transitioning all school documents, the school website, and signage over within the next few months. We will still allow our students to wear school uniforms with the SHCPS logo on it, until they no longer fit them. Allen’s Uniform, located at 452 West Boylston St., Worcester, has started putting our new name on the uniforms. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about this, we’d be happy to help you.
Late Lottery Applications Available: The deadline for the 2020-2021 late lottery applications is June 17th. If you have a child on the current waitlist or a child who is turning five or older by August 31, 2020, please complete an online application at http://www.sevenhillscharter.org/admission/. All applications require a birth certificate and two proofs of address to be complete. For more information please contact Sally Ustaitis at sustaitis@sevenhillscharter.org.
Community Connections: The water spray park at Davis Farmland is now open! The outdoor animal exhibit, animal feeding, rainforest reptiles, Adventure Play & Spray, adventure land, and Imagine Acres will all be open. There will be quick snacks and beverages for sale. Outside food cannot be brought into the farm. Advance ticket purchase only. Please go to https://davisfarmland.com/ for more information.
Breezy Picnic Grounds & Waterslides, located at 520 N.W. Main St. Douglas, MA, opens for the summer on June 13th! They have three waterslides, picnic grounds, lake swimming with sandy areas for kids, snack bar, game room, certified lifeguards at the beach and slides, restrooms and changing facilities and free parking. There are Covid-19 safety measures in place. Please go to the website for more information, hours and pricing https://breezysummer.com/.
Leicester Triple Drive-In Theater located at Route 9 Leicester, MA is opening on June 19th! This is a great way to get out the house and enjoy some popcorn and a movie with the family while practicing social distancing. Cost for a carload is $29.00. All tickets must be purchased online. Please follow them on Instagram and Facebook for more updates.